The difference is in our people.

Are you looking for valet services near you? Whether you need valet for an event, business, or residential, Pittsburgh Valet can fulfill your requirements. With over 20 years of experience in the Pittsburgh area, we guarantee your satisfaction. Call us today to discuss your valet needs!





Pittsburgh Valet Services Near Me - Valet Employee Opening Mini Cooper Door
Pittsburgh Valet Services Near Me - Valet Employee Opening Mini Cooper Door
Pittsburgh Valet Services Near Me - Valet Employee Opening Mini Cooper Door

The difference is OUR people.

Pittsburgh Valet prides itself as Western Pennsylvania’s most professional valet parking service. Our attendants are courteous and clean-cut. We are proud of the fact that many of our former employees enjoy career success as lawyers, doctors, dentists, and small business owners. These valet pros served as the cornerstone of our company's success and are a big reason why our motto is "Expect to be Impressed."

Valet Services Near Me - Map of Western PA showing areas of valet services


Pittsburgh Valet provides service to the Western Pennsylvania region and surrounding areas. Pittsburgh Valet offers complete valet parking insurance. This enables us to work at any location. Each venue, whether residential or corporate is unique. We cater our valet service to the location. It doesn’t matter if you have 20 guests or 2,000 — we have the valet parking solution!